Heathland OxiAir HD Diffused Reservoir Aerator

Available from Heathland Group
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Heathland OxiAir HD diffused reservoir aerator

The OxiAir HD diffused reservoir aerator is designed to operate in depths up to 1om+. Unlike most diffused aerations systems the OxiAir HD can produce great results in much deeper waters.

Bankside compressor with this diffused reservoir aerator

The super silent bankside compressor pumps air through the 500mm diffusers. This air then travels through the water column and breaks through the thermocline. The process reduces the effects of thermal stratification and increase the dissolved oxygen levels within the reservoir. Each diffuser will circulate an approximate volume of 11,065 litres of water per minute at a depth of 2m.

Features and benefits of the Heathland OxiAir HD reservoir diffused aerator -
Simple plug and play operation
Operates in deeper water
Very low operating costs
No electrical components are required in the water body
Very reliable, virtually silent and low maintenance
Manifolds constructed of brass and stainless for winter operation (most of the competitions units are plastic)
No loud water movement or splashing
Extremely hard-wearing
Brass check valves
Self-cleaning diffusers
Self-weighted air tubing
500mm diffuser tube length
Disc style diffusers are available
Optional enclosure colours are available
2-year warranty on pump
15-year warranty on weighted hose
5-year warranty on diffusers
Lifetime warranty on the enclosure
Large bespoke units available

Heathland OxiAir HD diffused reservoir aerator installation

Heathland Group offer a full installation service for all our aeration equipment to all of our clients, this can include the following options;

Full cabling
Control panel installation
Control panel setup
Aerator installation
Maintaining your new OxiAir HD diffused reservoir aerator

Heathland Group has an in-house fully equipped servicing centre for any general maintenance, servicing or repair of aerators that you may require. We can also supply onsite support and maintenance should returning the item not be possible. However, please note that during the 2-year labour warranty period a charge will be made for a site callout but all onsite time will be completed free of charge.

We can supply aeration equipment and our installation services to both domestic and commercial clients in the United Kingdom and throughout Europe. For more information and advice about any of our aeration products, water management and consultancy services, please email [email protected] or call 0800 3891990.

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