SelectAFlush LLC

34 W HighPoint Rd
Detroit, MI 48227

About SelectAFlush LLC

SelectAFlush is a Dual Flush Toilet Conversion Kit. SelectAFlush easily installs in minutes using highly engineered, long lasting seals that will not leak. Now you can save water on all standard two piece toilets designed for a 2 flush valve. Simply replace any flapper flush valve with SelectAFlush and start reducing your water consumption immediately. Imagine saving thousands of gallons of water per year without sacrificing convenience or performance.

Competitors of SelectAFlush LLC

SelectAFlush LLC

SelectAFlush is a Dual Flush Toilet Conversion Kit. SelectAFlush easily installs in minutes using highly engineered, long lasting seals that will not leak. Now you can save water on all standard two piece toilets designed for a 2 flush valve. Simply replace any flapper flush valve with... Read More