Hach Homeland Security Technologies

5600 Lindbergh Drive, PO Box 389
Loveland, CO 80538-8842

About Hach Homeland Security Technologies

Hach Homeland Security Technologies develops breakthrough technologies that can be used to detect contamination, alert you to terrorist activity, and improve general operational control of your drinking water supply.

Our latest innovation, GuardianBlue™ Early Warning System, is the first and only early warning system for drinking water to receive SAFETY Act designation and certification from the Department of Homeland Security.
GuardianBlue uses patented technology to detect, alert and classify a wide variety of threat contaminants. The system can also detect, alert, classify and learn real-world events in water distribution systems. And even detect and alert on unknown excursions.

The Eclox Rapid Response Kit and Nuclear Radiation Monitors from Hach Homeland Security Technologies provide easy to use emergency response kits and tools for measurement of toxicity, chemical contaminants and radiation. Ideal for First responders monitoring exposure or contamination checks.

Competitors of Hach Homeland Security Technologies

ERE Inc.

ERE Inc.

Now more than ever, our EARTH needs us. Our company values our partnerships because together we have the responsibility to protect our environment and reduce environmental impacts for our future generations. Since 1994, we continue to innovate & provide the very best in environmental equipment... Read More

Gas Analyzers:Total Sulfur, CO2, H2S Liquid Analyzers:VOC in Water, Oil in Water, H2S in Liquids (Crude, Water, & more) Read More

Hm Digital

Established in 1987, HM Digital, Inc. is an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) that has been recognized worldwide for providing the best values in water testing instrumentation, especially the increasingly popular TDS meter. Our products are co-designed between our Los Angeles office and our... Read More

Products by Hach Homeland Security Technologies

By Hach Homeland Security Technologies

Hach Homeland Security Technologies proudly introduces CityGuard™, Winner of the New Product of the Year award for 2010 from Evironmental Protection. CityGuard is a network portal and real-time water distribution and source water monitoring software that optimizes the use of utility dollars... Read more »

By Hach Homeland Security Technologies

GuardianBlue Event Detection System is the first and only early warning system for drinking water to gain SAFETY Act certification and designation from the US Department of Homeland Security as an anti-terroist technology. The GuardianBlue analyzes sensor data from the Water Panel and TOC... Read more »

By Hach Homeland Security Technologies

The Event Monitor integrates multiple sensor outputs from either the Water Distribution Monitoring Panel ( WDMPsc), the Source Water Monitoring Panel (SWMP) or the GuardianBlue Event Detection System. Every 60 seconds the system’s patented algorithm analyzes deviations in multiple water quality... Read more »

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