
710 Garfield St, Suite 220
Laramie, WY 82070-3912

About AristaTek

The patented PEAC-WMD software has a comprehensive database of toxic industrial chemicals, chemical warfare & biological agents, explosives, and radioactive isotopes integrated with an easy to use plume model for toxics. Also included are modeling tools for calculating safe standoff distances for explosion effects, unconfined vapor cloud explosions, point source gamma source spills, nuclear detonation impacts, and a tool for estimating radioactive fall out dose. Safe distances are displayed on an integrated mapping tool or the Google Earth® application.Users can import their own data files or SOPs for display in different formats (txt, html, or pdf) and generate reports in easy to transfer pdf formats. Interoperability is a simple click away using the CAP 1.0 (Common Altering Protocol). Software available for desktop/laptops running Windows 2000/XP or PDAs running Pocket PC or Mobile 6.

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