Columbian TecTank

5400 Kansas Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66106-1143

About Columbian TecTank

Columbian TecTank™ was formed in 2001 by the merger of Columbian Steel Tank and Peabody TecTank. Both of these businesses had reputations for innovative tank design and state-of-the-art fabrication technologies. Columbian TecTank™ company manufacturers bolted tanks and shop-welded tanks in coated carbon steel, aluminum and stainless steel.

Competitors of Columbian TecTank

Gas Analyzers:Total Sulfur, CO2, H2S Liquid Analyzers:VOC in Water, Oil in Water, H2S in Liquids (Crude, Water, & more) Read More

Pan America Environmental, Inc. designs, develops and manufactures a wide variety of innovative industrial wastewater treatment systems to serve many industries and markets. Our designs are continuously reviewed and upgraded to implement our new ideas. Pan America Environmental experience... Read More


Komline-Sanderson's sludge and biosolids pumping, thickening, dewatering and drying products include: Plunger Pumps; Gravity Belt Thickeners; Belt Filter Presses; Vacuum Filters; and, the Indirectly Heated Paddle Dryer. Wastewater clarification using dissolved air flotation or filtration... Read More